I found a kayak off Craigslist, very happy about that. Very sad to hear the news today that an old friend from my days in California passed away last weekend. JB and I tended bar together in the wild and wonderful 80's. Would appreciate it if you could send a loving thought his way.
Glad to hear you found a kayak but sorry to hear about your friend.
See you on Saturday. I think I'll have to take the test in the morning so I'll be out by lunch time and can meet you somewhere? I'll be at TCC Granby St :)
At night, we can have crepes if you'd like... ma sis volunteered to come over and make them!
Did you say Crepes? Your sister's would be worth a two hour drive!
Great news on the Kayak Susan...some perfect paddle weather on the horizon.
Will hold your deceased friend in the light.
yep I said crepes... I agree, they are worth the drive! Come down if you want to try them! Got another guest bedroom available!
Hope you are doing ok Susan. Hang in there :)
Come on down, Billy, we're having a pj party, too! Thanks for sending light to JB....
Sorry to hear about your friend! I am glad you are craving the kayak though! That is the first step of Kayakers AA "KAA" just admitting you have a problem is half the paddle! I have 2 keychains and I take it one paddle at a time-blessed Jesus! Please look to your paddle sponser when you feel the need to paddle! We all understand your problem!!!
Nathan, you are hilarious! I wish I could join you gals for your pj party! I love crepes! I'm putting my breakfast request in now for when I come visit, DZ!
LOL Kathy, bring your pj and come on down! I told my sis that I was going to start taking reservations...
Does anybody know what's happened to Wayne? Haven't heard from him in a while! What's going on in the sunny tropics, Wayne?
yeah what's up with you Wayne... you're not contributing to your own blog! I think you're having too much fun down there...
Wayne is crying too hard from missing me, can't see through the tears to write ; )
i figured it must have been something like that. The poor thing is lost without you. I ment to call him tonight but got caught up in my studying. I'll try to remember tomorrow! Goint to bed now... Ninite!
I'm fine Kathy, working the new job - walking the beach - beautiful weather - This is the time of the year to be in Florida -I'm really missing my Honey.
Glad to hear you're not MIA. I'm sure you are enjoying being there in Florida. Wish I was there! So sad to hear about Vickie's mom!
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