Thursday, March 1, 2007

ups and downs

Hey there. Typically, adjusting to a new place has its ups and downs. Wayne's job is going well, I'll let him tell you about all the new marine life he's checking out up there at Lockheed in Riviera Beach, which is actually where he is, just a bit north of WPB. I get a bit lonesome here during the day, but am staying busy catching up on movies I've missed (Babel, Departed), sitting on the deck, and exploring the town. I know it sounds like paradise, which it actually is, I just miss my honey!

We've been going for long walks in the evening, checking things out and enjoying the weather. We stopped by the local wine shop for a tasting this evening, which was very fun. Only came home with three, taking it easy on a school night ; ) We stopped off for an appetizer at a local restaurant and caught a few minutes of the UVA/Tech basketball game which of course made us think of Bill, Pam, Billy and Suzanne!

By the way, we're in a book! It's called "Sailing Away from Winter" by Silver Don Cameron. It's really weird to see your name and words in print, but it's awfully cool! Check it out if you can.

We have a bed! Well, actually just a mattress, a king size, which was kind of hard to get up the stairs, but me and the boys (two young 20 somethings) managed somehow and we don't have to sleep on the futon another night!

So, miss you all! Come see us! That is if you don't mind futons!


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