Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Party Continues - Happy Birthday Susan!

Today is Susan's Birthday!!! We spent the morning by the pool - and I have a special surprise for her this evening. At 5ish our wonderful friend Michael Jackson picked us up and drove us the the Riviera Beach Marina Tiki Bar. I had reserved a part of the Tiki Bar, lined up some hors d'erves with the Chef, and the people started to arrive. The guy playing music graced us with a chorus of Happy Birthday as we brought out the cake. If you have to turn 50, you might as well do it in a Tiki Bar in South Florida. More pictures to come.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Nassau, Bahamas - Atlantis & Alanis

30 minutes by air from West Palm Beach is the Island of Nassau - one of the larger of the 700+ islands in the Bahamas. A local Radio Station whose hosts: Paul and Young Ron, were offering special prices on rooms at the Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island, complete with a special broadcast Patron tequila party!... Free Patron tequila drinks, shots, or any combination - did I mention FREE. Well when times are tight, economy sucks, stock market at all time low, the Cubbies lost their chance at the World Series again this year - - - - the only thing you can do is . . . . party in the Bahamas! Oh, did I mention Alanis Morissett was performing there too - Susan and Wayne booked a flight on Spirit Airlines, grabbed their passports and took off for that spec of land in the Ocean called Nassau. The bus ride is always fun as the British influence dictates that drivers drive on the opposite side of the road. The Atlantis rises up from Paradise Island like the mythical city under the sea. In and out and around the resort are the most fabulous aquariums that provide hours of fish watching. We swam, sat by the pool, walked on the beach, dined, went to the comedy club, sat on the second row for Alanis Morissett's concert (she was great) and had a great time - Thursday - Sunday. A great way to kick off the week before Susan's Birthday.

Friday, October 10, 2008

"A Day in the Life"

Some of our friends ask us, "Are you going to stay in Florida?". My answer, "I didn't know we'd be in Florida - I guess we'll be here until we leave.". If you put yourself in the path of opportunty, doors will open. When I first met Susan she told me something that always echos in my head - she said, "Follow your heart". It reflected the words of my favorite author - Joseph Campbell - was an American mythology professor, writer, and lecturer best known for his work in the fields of comparative mythology and comparative religion. He said, "Follow your bliss". When Susan called me at work 2 years ago, and informed me that a Technical Headhunter had found my resume on and wanted to know if we were interested in moving to Florida. The door of opportunity opened. We had a choice - stay where we were or take the unknown road to Florida. Another quote always hits me when I'm faced with a choice - "A ship in harbor is safe - but, that's not the purpose of a ship." When I first met Susan, she was moving to Florida to start a Caribbean Art Gallery. Getting married to me, put a crimp in her plans.
Susan is my Femme, my best Friend - She is so in touch with her feelings. Let's go to Florida, she said.
Our parents didn't have a choice most of the times. We do. Like the Nike slogan, "Just do it". If you do, just hope you have a partner like Susan. She is the coolest girl ever.

Life at Work:
This morning started with a tropical storm rolling through
- typical of life in the tropics. I meet Michael at our office and start packing the pelican case with a new High Speed Camera that we will be using soon- Michael, Ben and I will be the camera operators. A high speed camera is a device used for recording slow-motion playback films, or used for scientific study of transient phenomena.

Photo to below:coffee blown from a straw. A normal motion picture is filmed and played back at 24 frames per second. High speed cameras can film up to 250,000 frame/s per second.
We need to get familiar with the camera, steady cam and pitch and roll of the boat. This morning was the first of several mornings to come where we will leave the dock and strap on the steady cam and try to keep the horizon steady while the sea is bouncing us around.
Then back to the office that is full of Michael's dive gear, cameras, graphic art tools of all kinds - 4 monitors, two CPUs and prints of our art scattered all over the desks. Michael and Wayne's Zone. This is my new professional life: 3D Digiatal Animator - Digital Photographer - and Michael's Wing Man. I like it.

"A ship in harbor is safe - but, that's not the purpose of a ship."

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Carolyn & Jim's September Visit

September 11th - Carolyn and Jim flew down to Florida. Yeah, I was at the wrong airport to pick them up - but, hey, I'm almost 60. Finally, got them to West Palm Beach. Susan was in Virginia helping her Mom - so, it was just the 3 of us. We packed in lots of experiences: Turtle Rescue Museum, Delray Beach, Coral Reef, Coconuts Tiki Bar
, Sailfish Marina, City Place at West Palm Beach. It was a short visit; but, great fun.