Each weekday after checking email and breakfast, I leave the house at 6:00 am, hoping to be at work before 7:00am. I could get there quicker if I took I95 - but, it's like a video game on the interstate- wrecks every morning, stop and go- overturned vehicles - vehicles on fire - you won't believe the caos. The drivers in South Florida are completely insane! I've never experienced anything like it. Then I discovered a beautiful little highway 3 blocks East of our townhouse . . .A1A
Now, I take A1A all the way to West Palm Beach, then pop over to Riviera Beach to the Lockheed facility. A1A ribbons along the edge of the Ocean. I watch the sunrise, check out the waves, no stress! It takes longer because the speed limit is 35; but, there are no cars - just me.
When, I arrive in West Palm Beach, I cross the bridge over the Intercoastal Waterway, and ride along Flagler Street which follows the western edge of the Intercoastal. I pass marinas and boats and parks - very beautiful. Just north of West Palm Beach is the town of Riviera Beach. Lockheed is located on the Intercoastal just over the town line and adjacent to the Port of West Palm Beach.
A1A. . .all the way . . . that's all I'm going to say!
Hey Wayne... sorry but your theory must have me as an exception... I was born at 5:45 am and I'm a night owl... Hate getting up in the morning... I painfully get up any time between 6 and 6:45. Takes a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes for me to open my eyes after the alarm goes off and I wouldn't get up if it was not for the cats jumping on me, begging for breakfast. Then I have to hit the shower to try to wake up a bit. A jumbo cup of coffee and some chilling time in front of the TV news with Gooch on my laps are a must before I can hit the road . By the time I leave the house, it's 8-8:15... Really, I think I fit in the "not a morning person" catergory... What do you think? :)
Weird the two people that reply were born at 5:45 am..... I too hate getting up in the morning... but I was thinking maybe it has to do with the surroundings in which we were born... since I was born in the car my birth may have been an unpleasant experience for me hence making me dislike the early morning hours... Love you guys, Bekah in Va Bch :)
August 2
The birthday of Jim Baugh
Has been declaired a National Holiday.
So everyone can sleep as long as they want to, at least on August second.
Works with me and my kids. We were all afternoon hatchlings and LOVE to sleep late!
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