Monday, April 2, 2007

latest from France

This just arrived from Lili, Vickie and Chantal's Dad:

Merci Susan !
Maryvonne est sortie du coma et elle a reconnu ses deux filles adorées . Les nouvelles sont donc beaucoup plus rassurantes aujourd'hui . Demain , elle doit être transférée en cardiologie pour un bilan complet . Apparament , le cerveau fonctionne bien . Les filles se joignent à moi pour vous embrasser .
A bientôt . Lili .

Roughly translated, it says that Maryvonne is out of the coma and she recognized her daughters, whom she adores. The news today is therefore very reassuring. Tomorrow, she will be tranferred to the cardiology unit where they will do a complete check up on her heart. Apparently, her brain is functioning just fine. The girls and I send you hugs.

Till later,


KATHRYN said...

The news seems very encouraging! I'm so happy for them. Amazingly, I was able to read the message from Lili, all except for the last sentence, and I didn't peek at your translation till the end. I think that's pretty good for not having studied french for thirty something years! Thanks for sharing that message with us! Merci beaucoup!

Florida Susan said...

Tres bien, Kathy. Pas mal apres trente annees, plus or moins!! Peut etre tu va etudier Le Francais encore??

KATHRYN said...

Mais oui! Certainement! J'avoir besoin de apprendre plus! As you can see, I need a refresher course.

Florida Susan said...

You're actually doing amazing for not having studied it in so long...I think you have a natural talent there...

KATHRYN said...

Thanks! I had a wonderful french teacher in high school who was from France who really inspired me to want to do more with french. I actually started at VCU in french education; however, I let a man change that tune, and have always wondered where I would be now if I had continued in french. Que sera, sera.

Carolyn said...

I'm MOST impressed, Kathy! I had no idea. I think we should all learn French now and speak it on camping trips. The only thing that I can recall from French 1 in H.S. is something I heard most often, “Ferme la bouche, Mademoiselle Baker!”

KATHRYN said...

I can read french fairly well and discovered when I was in Paris that I could get around pretty well. But when it came to speaking it or understanding the french when they talked, well, that's a different story. The kids and I got along well with just knowing "merci", "oui", "sil vous plait" and "au revoir."

Florida Susan said...

You're too funny, Carolyn! I'm all for the French camping trips, but we can't let Vickie come, cause she'd have to spend the whole time correcting us and wouldn't get to have any fun! Talked with your Mom today, she was telling me about how she cried and cried when she found out her mother had gotten her birthday wrong for the first six years of her life. We had a nice chat, lauged a lot.

Florida Susan said...

I meant laughed...

My Pic Mania said...

Hi Guys,
We are going to see Mom this afternoon as usual. She is still in ICU with oxygene and some other pumps but they removed the respirator. She can now talk a little. With difficulties of course but she can talk. She did not remember waking up Monday but it's normal because of all the drugs she's on. She did recognized everyone and even made us laugh yesterday. We got to see her a few minutes more than Monday which was good. Still, 15 minutes is not a long time but we take what we can! I have to go now but will talk to you soon.

Florida Susan said...

Thanks so much for the update, Vickie. Please keep us posted, we are sending good thoughts your way.

KATHRYN said...

Good to hear from you, Vickie! I'm so glad that your mother is doing so well, and so happy for you and your family!

Florida Susan said...

btw Kathy, it is NOT too late to go back for that French degree...