Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Hi Guys,
Some of you know already that after mom was transfered and had surgery, she unfortunately had a stroke which left her unable to move or speak. She had since then, another clot in the leg and has been having a hell of a time. So is my dad who has a lot of difficulties coping with all this. Mom was not doing good on the morphin and they finally found an alternative medication that helped manage the pain. She is supposed to be transfered back closer tomorrow so that she starts speech and physical therapy next week. She can say a few words again now and move a little but still has no sensation in her hand and foot. 4 weeks tomorrow already that she's been in the hospital and she is hating it... Anyways, I'm also posting a couple of pictures from my hometown until I can find the time to build a quick website. Hope everyone is doing well.
See ya soon, Vickie.
open blog
password: matisse58
So, go for it! Happy bloggin'!! Come on, if we can do it, you can....
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
weeee're baaaacckkk
Sandy (the frog) seems to have moved on, at least temporarily. Oh yeah, I ordered a hammock stand while I was away and put it together Monday. Carolyn and Jimmy gave us a hammock many moons ago and I've been dying to try it out. So, here it is. It looks much better with me in it!!!
Wayne had a blast with Frank, Dana, and Mary. I told him Mary probably looked like that painting "The Scream" by Munch by the time she left. I don't think she realized how much Wayne can talk!! (Just kidding, honey, love you)
Friday, April 13, 2007
Look what the Tabloids are saying.
After an extremely long separation, Professor Baker finishes her class in Newport News, Virginia. The Averett Art History Professor is finally returning April 19th to Delray Beach to join her Husband and kitties who miss her so much! She vows never to be separated from her home for this long ever again.
Rumor is: after realizing that there is only 6 days before Susan returns, Wayne began break-dancing in the living room every night uncontrollably with excitement-
he can't wait to see his Honey!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Easter pics
Monday, April 9, 2007
too quick
Thursday, April 5, 2007
oh boy!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
silly me
Monday, April 2, 2007
latest from France
Merci Susan !
Maryvonne est sortie du coma et elle a reconnu ses deux filles adorées . Les nouvelles sont donc beaucoup plus rassurantes aujourd'hui . Demain , elle doit être transférée en cardiologie pour un bilan complet . Apparament , le cerveau fonctionne bien . Les filles se joignent à moi pour vous embrasser .
A bientôt . Lili .
Roughly translated, it says that Maryvonne is out of the coma and she recognized her daughters, whom she adores. The news today is therefore very reassuring. Tomorrow, she will be tranferred to the cardiology unit where they will do a complete check up on her heart. Apparently, her brain is functioning just fine. The girls and I send you hugs.
Till later,
a small miracle
"hello Susan,
We want to thank you all for your support and prayers because mom just woke up this afternoon as she saw my dad and vickie. We couldn't stay with her more than few minutes because she recognized us ans cried, she tried to talk and to write but could not because of the tubes. She will be going in cardiology tomorrow and we will see from there.
Love you all,
This is encouraging news and I thank you all for joining with us to pray (in whatever way works for you) for Maryvonne, Lili, Vickie, and Chantal. We will continue to do so and hope you will, too. I will keep you posted when I hear anything else.