Sunday, July 20, 2008

Turtle Rescue

A couple of miles north of our place is the Loggerhead Marine Life Center. Their mission statement: "To promote conservation of Florida’s coastal ecosystem
through education, research, and rehabilitation, with a special
focus on threatened and endangered sea turtles.” Susan and I arrived as the biologists were giving the rescued turtles medication. One turtle had his flipper amputated after getting wrapped with a fishing line - another had a skin rash, another had an infected eye, and much to our chagrin, "After his release into the ocean, Jonah swallowed a complete steel leader with hooks and sinker - he returned to the beach where he was released and was rescued - he had to have surgery to remove it - now has a feeding tube and is improving day by day. It was really amazing to see such care for these gentle animals.

1 comment:

My Pic Mania said...

Oh poor babies! I hate to see such wonderful creatures suffer! Luckily, the dedicated staff takes great care of them. It's wonderful to see them back swimming :)
There are so cute!