Due to some recent events in my life, I turned once again to the Myers Briggs Personality Test for answers to my self and others' personalities. I've taken this test several times over the years and I've always gotten INFP. This is a pretty good assessment:
"INFPs are quiet, creative , sensitive and perceptive souls who often strike others as shy, reserved and cool. These folks have a rare capacity for deep caring and commitment--both to the people and causes they idealise. INFPs guide their behavior by a strong inner sense of values, rather than by conventional logic and reason. Forced to cope with this facts-and-figures 'real' world we inhabit, INFPs may appear to have been imported from another galaxy! They gravitate toward creative or human service careers which allow them to use their instinctive sense of empathy and remarkable communication skills. Strongly religious, spiritual or philosophical people, INFPs may see the purpose of their lives as an inner journey, quest or personal unfolding. More practical or rational types may tend to discredit the INFP's sources or understanding as mystical. The search for a soulmate is a preoccupation for many INFPs , who must balance their need for privacy and peace with their yearning for human connection. If there seems to be an air of sadness to INFP's spirit, blame it on this type's longing for the perfect in all things."
I would love to know what you are. Wayne is an ENFP (http://typelogic.com/enfp.html), we are perfect complements, he is the yang to my yin, my soulmate....just took awhile to find him. The Myers Briggs is really cool and I think inspirational, reminding us that we are all unique, different, and interesting. Please be brave and post what you get, I really want to read up on you and what makes you tick!
Monday, March 24, 2008
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INTJ although I've been told my J is becoming more of a P. In other words, my P-ness is growing.
Then we're perfect complements, too, Carolyn. Congratulations, Billy, on all levels ; ) You're so funny!
To show you how much my little sister Carolyn and I are alike: We both took the test side by side - actually Nathan gave us the test and we only differed on one question.
Well all that shows is you cheated ; ) just kidding...ok everyone else, Vickie, Nathan, Kathy, Wayne, Mary Lou, Rick, and all others who peek in on us surreptitiously...I know you're out there....let's have it!!
I'm sneaking in here too...
I'm an E/INFP. I'm 50/50 on the E and I thing. Does that make me a split personality?! Oy vey. Our dad LOVES the Myers-Briggs, that's probbaly why Nate foisted it off on Wayne and Carolyn!
Sorry, I tried it and got this arror message: "Service unavailable. Please try it a little bit later."
Billy, say that when you dress up with your special easter outfit... LOL
~ Vickie ~
We'll just nickname you "Schiz", Hudson ; ) Try again Vickie, I just got on...
INFJ........well I mean look what I do so I should not be too surprised. Oh and after 34 years I find out I should have finished in Psych - still scared I would have told someone they are right their life stinks so jumping would be a good idea, maybe the world is better off where I ended up ;-)
LOLLLLLLL!! Vickie, you'd better put those beers away and study! My cheeks hurt from laughing at your comment about Bill! By the way, ENFJ for me.
ISFJ for me. "The Guardian" interesting.
W T F... you all are crazy! I love you all! no matter what letters you are! I can't wait to to see everyone! I miss you guys crazy!!!
Peace and chicken grease!
Love, Nate A
Feeling the love, but cough up them letters, Mr. Pot, gotta play right!
I think you're an INFJ, Nate....am I right?
Nancy, did you see that list of famous ISTJs? Quite an impressive group to be among. Check it out:http://typelogic.com/isfj.html
I sent Vickie a French version! She's an ENFJ!!
I am an ISTJ along with George H. Bush!!! Now I'm going to go kill myself! Thanks alot!
You can't kill yourself until you finish that siding...
Wow! Vickie and I are exactly the same personality! What do you make of that! If you've got one of us, you've got us both! Luv ya, Vickie! I guess I love me too! LOLLLLLL!!
Nate, if you were the same as "W", I might say, well okay, but George H.? Certainly not. Thanks for playing!
So, thanks to everyone that played along, would still love to hear from others, Silver Don, Marjorie, Jimmy Stewart, Walter, Marie, anyone else out there? And I have to go along with Kathy and Nathan, that we all have people who we love in our lives that fit each one of these categories, so my P-ness says then it goes to reason that we really do all love each other even if we have some rough times.
ESFP, Like you couldn't guess that!
- Kato
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