Monday, August 13, 2007

Mondays stink

Well, we had a wonderful weekend picnicing, snorkeling, and hanging with new pals...stayed over Saturday night at the Singer Island Hilton....but now I've got the Monday blues....hope eveyone's weekend was great. We'll be posting pictures soon.

Been meaning to post for all who have not heard, that Wayne starts as an official Lockheed Martin employee today. He reached an agreement with them a couple weeks ago, and looks like we'll be staying in sunny Florida for awhile. You all have an open invitation to visit.

Saw a movie over the weekend, "Once", it's playing at theaters and was recommended by our friend, Kimmie. Couldn't believe it was on Pay-per-View at the hotel. Would've been better on a big screen. It's lovely. Highly suggest you see it! I've already ordered the soundtrack.

Enjoyed chatting with several of you Friday evening (you know who you are!). Mary Lou and Wayne: letter is on the way today.

Have a great week.


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