Saturday, December 20, 2008


Susan and I flew to Norfolk, Virginia - bumped into Claude from AMTI days - after exchanging a few words in French and big huggs - we gathered our bags and met Emile and Diane. They were kind enough to pick up up at the airport and take us to Vickie's. Vickie loaned us a car - and after kisses and huggs, we drove to the beach. Susan and I kissed on the beach where we were married (almost 10 years ago) and drove to the Oceanfront at Virginia Beach and arrived at our old haunt, Bubba's Crab House. Susan and I were meeting some good friends at Bubba's for lunch. I worked with them at Coastal Training Technologies from 1996-2000. Then Ike and I got jobs at CSC. Andy is still there - Hunter is freelancing and Coastal is still one of her clients. Jason and Melissa have moved on and Diane is working on her PhD at ODU. Ike is working at Northrup Grumman. It was sooooooooooooo much fun! We caught up on everyone's lives a bit - and laughed about old times. Coastal was such a great place to work in the early days. Good people and good times.

After good byes, Susan and I drove to Hampton. It is so nice to back at our place. Steve and Anna dropped by and asked if we could join them at the Hampton Yacht Club (down the block past North Sails and the Camera Shop) - Kate came over and then Mike. We opened some wine, and our neighbor Beverly stopped by - yep a party was brewing. So, we followed Steve and Anna as their guests to the Yacht Club Friday Night Social. There we bumped into some other friends. A great night for sure!!

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