Thursday, January 3, 2008

French Lesson

I threatened Vickie that I would change the password on this blog and give it to everyone but her if she didn't agree to let us keep pictures of her and Klaus on it. And I have changed the log-in information, but have decided to let Vickie come around to that decision on her own. See??...I have my moments. I changed the stuff because the old email address was outdated and I was afraid at some point even I wouldn't be able to get on. So, the new log-in:

These are pictures of Lili and Maryvonne, Vickie's parents. Clearly, they are doing great after last year's difficulties. They sent some very sage advice for the New Year, and I found it so pertinent that I will also include that here. Hopefully they don't mind, but I will write a short note to them here and hope it's understandable for them. Vickie can always correct me!

Lili et Maryvonne,

J'espere que c'est ok je mets ces photos la et le message vous nous avez envoye.


So, for those of you who like to try understanding the French version first:

"Nous vous souhaitons une excellente année 2008 , avec en priorité une bonne santé , tout le reste devrait suivre . Profitez des petits bonheurs que la vie vous apporte au quotidien , ils passent quelquefois inaperçus , ils sont pourtant importants pour chacun d'entre-nous , sachons les reconnaitre et en profiter ."

Must admit I had to look up a few things, but here is the gist of it:

"We wish you a great 2008, if you keep good health a priority all the rest will follow. Take advantage of the small joys that life gives you everyday, they sometimes pass unnoticed. They are important, however, for each of us. Let's notice them and gain from them."

And again, Vickie, feel free to correct me! And if your parents object, by all means, take it down!

Love to all,


KATHRYN said...

Thanks so much for sharing that, Susan! I was able to read the French message! Just wish I could speak and understand the French spoken words as well. Maybe one day!

My Pic Mania said...

Looks like they saw it already on the blog and they didn't seem to object. I've sent instructions to my dad on how to post a message. Maybe he'll try when he has a chance. Since I keep on receiving a lot of complains about pics, I'll post one in a minute... Happy New Year!