Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Shots of the Town House

Before heading to the airport today we went by to see the house - we signed the contract -

and will be heading down around the 19th of Feb. The place is unfurnished; but, we will try to furnish it down there. Probably take some stuff with us - but, not much.


My Pic Mania said...

I am so darn jealous...........
Do you have any idea of how freakishly cold it is here right now? I think I'll turn into an Esquimo by morning... LOL
Can't wait to see ya!

Jim Baugh said...

Hi Wayne and Susan!
Jim Baugh Here,
Love the place, cant wait to stop by. I will be in Miami on the 19th for the show, then head to Marathon then Key West for a shoot. On the way back I plan on stopping in at west palm beach and seeing you folks. Will be hollering on the cell.
Joe will not be with me, he is flying out of Key West back to Ameila Island, I will drive back in the Vette.

Your house looks big!!! Love the color, just fantastic.
Cant wait to see you guys, again, congradulations.
Jim Baugh

Drew said...

The place looks great you two! Exciting stuff indeed. Can't wait to keep up with your adventures down there. =)

gloria irvin said...

The townhouse looks great. Did yopu sign a rental contract or a sales contract? You will have lots of fun in Florida,no more cold weather,love,Mom

Jenn Urq said...

I'm so excited for you two.... Have been since Wayne first told me about the interview. Sounds like the area is perfect for you guys and the townhouse looks absolutely beautiful.